Unlock Your Healthiest Life With A Home That Heals

Expert assessments to transform your home into a sanctuary of wellness.

Is your house the roadblock in your health journey?

There are five components to a home that supports your health:



Artificial light has been around for a small fraction of human history, and the evidence it is damaging to health is mounting. Discover how to have the right light at the right time in your home to optimize your health.



You take about 22,000 breaths each day. The most significant exposure to air pollution happens not outside, but inside. Many everyday items that are a source of VOCs and other pollutants and a lack of adequate ventilation are ubiquitous in homes.



Drinking water can contain plastics, pesticides, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, and a host of other pollutants. Know what is in your water and apply the right strategy to filter and structure it.



Your body is electric. From the harmful impacts of 5G, AC electric and magnetic fields, dirty electricity and more to beneficial strategies like earthing - understanding the electrical climate of your home is critical to wellbeing.


Indoor Microbiome

From mould to bacteria, your home is a living space. A good biodiversity in your home can support your health. However, water damage and antibacterials turn many homes into havens of pathogens and toxins.

Your home should support your health, not hinder it.

Hi, I'm Karson. I help you discover and resolve hidden health hazards for a personalized path to a healthy home.

I know the stress it put on me and my family not knowing what was making us sick, and feeling stuck in a house that might have been the cause of our illness.

As a certified Building Biologist with a degree in Architectural Science, my passion for creating healthier living spaces is deeply personal—stemming from my own family’s health challenges caused by our home environment. I combine personal experience and professional expertise to transform your home into a healthy haven.

Let’s work together to transform your living environment into a source of vitality and comfort.

What to Expect

Revealing the Unseen

Your customized healthy home inspection will ensure you know exactly what is going on in your home so you can have peace of mind and prioritize effective solutions.

See the Path

Your Healthy Home Action Plan will lay out everything you need to know to take the next steps overcoming any health hurdles your home is presenting you.

Cutting-Edge Health Insights

With the included Healthy Home Guide, you will save time and money by getting the best healthy home and lifestyle tips and product recommendations so you can shape your environment with confidence.

Roadmap To A Healthy Home

Step 1: Schedule a free consultation

We’ll discuss your specific needs and home environment so I can lay out a plan and you can get all your questions answered.

Step 2: Measure and Solve

I’ll perform a comprehensive assessment of your home and create a Healthy Home Action Plan so you will know the health profile of your home, and the exact path to making it a sanctuary of wellness.

Step 3: Thrive in Your Home

You will be armed with all the information you need to begin living your best life with a home that heals.

Why are my clients so excited?

I had severe chronic neck, back and leg pain that was really affecting my everyday life. I was not able to drive, walk or even stand without severe pain in my legs. I couldn't turn my head because of the pain in my neck. I was taking pain medication around the clock. After 2 weeks of implementing many of Karson's suggestions in our home, I had a huge improvement in my pain and mobility! It has been about 8 weeks since Karson came to our home, and I can now say I don't remember the last time I took any pain medication. I have started going for walks around the neighbourhood which I haven't been able to do for 8 months!! I feel like I am getting my life back. I am so grateful to Karson and all his help in creating a healthier environment for me and my family.
Naomi Mills

Here’s What I Can Help With

Learn which solutions are right for you…

Your home is the most overlooked factor in your health. Did you know…

environmental health

If you think your home is not impacting your health, think again.

The healthiest version of you lives in the healthiest version of your home.


Discover How Two Simple Steps Can Optimize Your Home for Disease Prevention, Increased Energy, and Clear Thinking

Discover the two simple, scientifically-backed steps to transform your home into a healthier space. Not only are these strategies quick, easy, and virtually cost-free to implement, but nearly everyone will experience the benefits—ranging from better sleep to more energy and clearer thinking—within a short period of implementation.